Learn everything you need to know about charging your electric vehicle, from home charging options to public networks, smart charging solutions, and maximizing convenience and cost savings. Learn everything you need to know about charging your electric vehicle, from home charging options to public networks, smart charging solutions, and maximizing convenience and cost savings.

The Ultimate EV Charging Handbook: Everything You Need to Know About Charging Your Electric Vehicle

Learn everything you need to know about charging your electric vehicle, from home charging options to public networks, smart charging solutions, and maximizing convenience and cost savings.

So, you’re ready to ditch fossil fuels and embrace a quieter, greener, and more engaging way of traveling. Congratulations! Welcome to the future of electric vehicles (EVs). But as eager as you are, you may still have a few questions about EV ownership—especially when it comes to charging. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

In The Ultimate EV Handbook, we tackle some of the most common concerns for future Polestar owners, providing you with the knowledge to confidently step into the world of electric driving. This edition, we focus on charging—exploring cost-effective and time-efficient ways to keep your EV powered up.

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Learn everything you need to know about charging your electric vehicle, from home charging options to public networks, smart charging solutions, and maximizing convenience and cost savings.
The Ultimate EV Charging Handbook Everything You Need to Know About Charging Your Electric Vehicle.

Charging at Home

If you have access to a driveway, garage, or off-street parking, home charging is by far the most convenient and often the cheapest option. Like charging a smartphone, you can simply plug in your Polestar at home, particularly during off-peak hours when energy is cheaper. With typical home charging speeds at 7kW or 11kW, it takes around 11-13 hours to fully charge a Polestar 2. However, because you’re likely topping up regularly, you may only need a few hours of charging each time.

Polestar has partnered with Zaptec, making it easy for buyers to include home charging installation as part of their purchase, streamlining the process.

Learn everything you need to know about charging your electric vehicle, from home charging options to public networks, smart charging solutions, and maximizing convenience and cost savings.
The Ultimate EV Charging Handbook Everything You Need to Know About Charging Your Electric Vehicle.

Smart Charging

Home charging also offers serious cost-saving benefits. Polestar’s partnership with Jedlix ensures that your car is charged at the cheapest possible rates. This smart software manages the energy flow between your car and the grid, reducing bills without any extra effort. As a bonus, it’s a step toward a future where vehicles can feed energy back into the grid during peak demand, further cutting costs and supporting sustainability.

Learn everything you need to know about charging your electric vehicle, from home charging options to public networks, smart charging solutions, and maximizing convenience and cost savings.
The Ultimate EV Charging Handbook Everything You Need to Know About Charging Your Electric Vehicle.

Public Charging

For those who can’t install a home charger or are planning a long road trip, the public charging network has you covered. Slower chargers (7kW to 22kW) are more cost-effective for leisurely top-ups while running errands, while faster chargers can power a Polestar 2 from 10% to 80% in just 28 minutes at speeds up to 205kW. Recent tests suggest that future advancements could reduce this to just 10 minutes for a 70% charge.

To make public charging easier, Polestar now offers Plug & Charge through the Polestar Charge app. This eliminates the need for apps, RFID cards, or navigating websites—simply plug in, and your car handles the rest, thanks to encrypted data stored within the vehicle.

With growing charging options and smarter solutions, EV ownership is becoming more seamless and accessible. Whether at home or on the go, Polestar ensures you’re always ready to hit the road.

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