A motoring expert has shared several car hacks that can help in an emergency.
Going by the name of Driver Ms May online, she has provided vehicle owners with several hacks to help in various situations.
In the video, which has had 24,000 views, she shows how you can change gears without having to step your foot on the brake.
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She removes the cover from the gearstick and points to a small yellow gap inside.
Inserting the car key into the gap, she says it’s now possible to shift gears manually without having to think about the brake.
Next up, she says: “If the car key has no power and can’t open the door, don’t worry.
“Squat down. There is a small hole in both door handles.
“We pop out the mechanical key, aim it at the small hole, and pry it gently.
“This way, the lock cylinder can be exposed.
“Then we insert the key, twist it gently and the car door is open.”
It’s a useful trick if by chance your car keys are flat.
May, who is from China, also offers a solution in case the brakes fail.
She points to an electronic handbrake switch and says to hold it tight and the car will come to a steady stop.
As a final hack, May told followers what to do if they were inside the car and unable to open the doors.
She said: “If you are accidentally trapped in the car and can’t get out, there is a button on the backseat. We can fold down the backseats by pressing it.
“Then we can climb into the trunk where there is a button on the door panel.”
May pushes the button and makes an emergency escape from the car.
Viewers have praised her tips and thanked May for sharing her knowledge with her millions of followers, as reported by Luxury Auto News.
Desh wrote: “That’s really useful to know. Thank you.”

Daniel said: “An amazing knowledge.”
“She is awesome,” Juan added.
Someone else commented: “I love watching these when I don’t even have a car.”

Another person posted: “Thanks for the information.”
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